Tuesday, January 29, 2008


OK, here are my habits. Thanks, Jill.
1. I drink a Diet Coke first thing in the morning. It gets the blood flowing!
2. I scratch the side of my thumbs when I get nervous.
3. I have to talk to someone in my family (mom, brothers, sisters) every day. Otherwise, I feel left out.
4. I eat the same thing every morning - an oatmeal bar.
5. I have road rage issues. It must run in the family.
6. While reading a good book, that is all I want to do. My house can be a total disaster and I will just want to read. Sometimes, I feel like the characters are part of my life and they might call me. (just kidding mom!)
There you go. I am going to tag Aaron. I know he secretly loves to blog!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Turkey talk!

It was a good day in the Leyba house yesterday! Kalin and Cruz both drew turkey tags so the trash talking has begun. Oh, the joys of Redneck living!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008


I don't know if it is a boy thing or a teenage thing, but this is what happens at our house EVERY night. No, it is not child abuse - don't call DCFS. Kalin starts to get "froggy" (this is the term they use) and thinks he can pin his dad. Usually, within 5 seconds, Jayme has got Kalin in some kind of pretzel move and Kalin taps out. Then it starts all over......

Monday, January 21, 2008

Cabin Fever

I am getting REALLY tired of winter! I thought that by taking a vacation in December, it would be easier to get through winter this year. Well, it didn't work! It just makes me want to go back and get out of all this snow.

Kalin played 4 games this weekend. On Friday night, he played in Heber. My mom, dad, Jason, and Nicole all came to watch him and you know he loves an audience. Nicole even came with a smashed finger. She is such a trooper! On Saturday, he played in a tournament in Craig, Colorado.

I am going to go back to feeling sorry for myself and being cold!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My little stud!

Kalin is playing on the freshman basketball team for Uintah High School. He is the starting point gaurd and the team captain. Tonight they played Park City and he scored a season high 15 points! He is really good, and if you don't believe me - just ask my mother!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Things that REALLY bug me!

I guess I have to put my two cents in too! Here are the things that drive me crazy...
#5 When my husband snores all night and I don't get my full 8 hours. (you know how much I need my sleep!)
#4 Having a child that thinks he can sweet talk his teachers into good grades.
#3 Students that don't take baths. 6th graders can be very stinky!
#2 The damn cold! (yes, I said damn)
And the #1 thing that drives me crazy......
*Josh Larsen!!*
He really needs to get over his God complex and let my sister get on with her life!!!

Now for something more positive (before I say something I might regret - yeah right!)
The things I love......
#5 Teaching - I love it when a student finally gets it!
#4 My boys going hunting or fishing all day on Saturday. Freedom!!
#3 Talking to someone in my family every day.
#2 Sports - what else would I have in common with my boys?
And the #1 thing I love....
#1 My boys - Jayme, KK and Cruz

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


The Leyba Family has finally decided to join the blogging world!! Now we can bore you all with news on our sporting events and how freakin' cold we are! (It is a balmy 2 degrees right now.) This may take me a while to figure out, so pictures will come later.