Monday, February 23, 2009

Casual resort wear

This is what Jayme vows to wear on the beach. He would grow a mullet if he had enough time.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Christmas in February

I was looking through some pictures today and realized I forgot to post any Christmas pictures. These are some of my favorites. The gift of the year was the foamy stuff Tyson and Lauren gave to all the kids. As you can see, even the adults liked it. (If Jill counts as an adult)

Doesn't Kalin look sophisticated with a moustache?
This picture is just to let Jason know that Kalin is taking care of Nicole!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Ah-ha" Moment

I had an "Ah-ha" moment yesterday. I was sitting in a meeting happily guzzling down a huge diet coke. I looked around and noticed how many other people were guzzling down soda too. What I noticed was, the people who were drinking the soda were not exactly the thin, fit type. The thin, fit people all had a bottle of water in front of them. What does this tell you? Maybe carrying around a jug of diet coke isn't the answer to weight loss. I have been "addicted" to diet coke since high school. I decided if I really want to lose weight and be fit, I need to get rid of my addiction. So I am happy to report, that was my last diet coke. I have been diet coke free for a whole 24 hours!!!! (Yes, my head is pounding.) Kalin thinks I am going to go crazy and overdose on diet coke but Cruz has faith in me. Hopefully, I will be able to stick to it. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Aaron!

Even though you are sooooo mean to me, I hope you have a VERY happy birthday!