Monday, July 28, 2008

We love you!

We wanted to let Jill, Aaron, Carter, Kinney, Livvy, and Gracie know we love them and we are thinking about them. I was Carter's age when my Grandma Johnson died and I know how difficult it is. You guys already know how much "Nunn" loved you and she is now watching over you. We wish we could be there with you today and tomorrow. We love you!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Proud Mama

I am very proud of my boys! They both have done so well in baseball this year. This is Kalin's Allstar team. They lost in the district tournament but Kalin played great. He has two more tournaments for his American Legion team and then it will be on to football.
Cruz's Allstar team won the Eastern Utah Championship yesterday! They get to go to the Pacific Regionals in two weeks. They will play teams from all around the west.
We have had some extra kids at our house this week. Joey, Jayce, and Desiree came to stay with us. We had a great time with them! And how can I not talk about how great the Johnson Reunion was this year! We had such a fun time! It is something we look forward to every summer. We just wish it had not gone by so fast!

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Vernal loves their Allstars!
Here is Cruz's team. He plays again next Thursday in a state qualifier game. Kalin plays on Monday. He isn't very excited about Allstars because he has to play on the 14 year old team instead of the 15 year old team. He is only 14, but he can't get that through his head!
Good Luck Allstars!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Curse of the Johnson (Bawden) Toe

Kalin had an accident while he was eating his dinner last night. He dropped his plate and it landed on it's side right on his "Johnson Toe." We decided that if he had a normal toe it would have missed his foot all together!